UNAA International Day of Peace: Peace Perspectives project

Video Instructions for UNAA NSW Peace Perspectives project

The World Made Good online show is the media partner of the UNAA NSW Peace Perspective project.

After receiving your invitation and questions, this page provides guidance on recording using your smart phone or video camera and uploading to us. By following these guidelines you can record to a good standard of production.


  • Avoid clothing that is striped or checked, otherwise it will create a strobing effect
  • Avoid clothing that ‘washes’ you out. E.g. wearing a white shirt in front of a white wall. If you can’t change clothing choose an opposite colour background.


  • Record inside your home, office or outdoor area with no background noise. Avoid having a wall immediately behind you. Feel free to have a pleasant background (e.g flowers or paintings), though avoid anything political or sensitive in nature.
  • If filming inside find a window or lighting overhead, but light coming front of you (and behind your positioned mobile phone). See diagram below
  • Position your mobile at the same height as your face. You can sit or stand, just make sure the mobile is eye-level.
  • Mobile or camera should be 1-2 metres away from you. If you have a lapel mic, you can use however keep 1-2 metres from the mobile or camera so that your face is clearly visible
  • Film in landscape orientation only, with your face and shoulders in the centre filling 40-50% of the screen.


  • Press record and wait 3 seconds before starting your to-camera piece.
  • Talk at a slightly higher volume and position yourself closer to the camera if there is an echo in the room.
  • Hold your position looking to your mobile phone or camera lens for 3 seconds and ending with a smile . In doing so, it becomes a good edit point for us to keep a professional look to the piece. You may trim the final recording if you wish, however we will do the editing in any case.


From your mobile phone or computer you can upload to our servers dropping each filed into the green box below one at a time. Note: use Wi-Fi rather than your data plan to avoid excessive charges.

Please enter your details to allow us to identify your files.

[contact-form-7 id=”1066″ title=”UNAA International Day of Peace”]

Drop in one file at the time into the green box. The video will display on the page once it has been uploaded

Refresh page to upload the next file. Note: You only need to register your details once.

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